Paste the way you want


since 1971
PiT was born as the first glue stick in Japan.

The first lipstick-type glue in Japan

Born in 1971 as Japan’s first lipstick-type solid glue.
The name is derived from a Japanese onomatopoeia that represent convenience in applying and pasting.The glue stick immediately became a popular item as it allowed much cleaner gluing compared to starch paste which was a mainstream adhesive at that time.The affordable price of 100 yen per stick also contributed to its popularity.

Different types of glue such as glue sticks, liquid glue, and adhesive tapes have been introduced to be used for different purposes.
PiT has been popular for its easy and clean pasting performance and continuing to evolve.


The first model of PiT


Learn about the PiT collection that evolved with the times!

※You can see in PDF.

History of PiT
The current PiT collection
PiT has become a general brand for “pasting” including glue sticks, liquid glue, and adhesive tapes.
They have been used for a wide range of purposes such as for office work, learning and hobbies.


2012 Good Design Long Life Design Award

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  • MONO
  • PiT
  • Zoom
  • ippo!
  • Yo-i