Perfect support for
intellectual activities


since 1963

To be the one and only.

The MONO brand was born in 1963.
The launch of the high-end pencil MONO marked the beginning of the brand.

The brand name MONO originates from the Greek word monos whose meanings include “only” and “unique”.
The name characterizes the innovative pencil lead containing 8 billion particles per square millimeter created in a project launched for the improvement of pencil leads in 1949.

The initial logo has a cross section of hexagonal pencil.

The eraser initially came with pencils as a free gift.

In 1967, Tombow released MONO 100, the high-end model of MONO, to commemorate its 55th anniversary.

MONO 100 has the touch, strength, and depth that match Tombow’s ideal features. One piece of plastic eraser, which was very rare at that time, was in pair with a dozen of pencils to demonstrate its ability to remove marks drawn by the pencil.
This eraser gained popularity for its good erasing performance, and after many requests were made for MONO Eraser to be sold, Tombow then decided to sell the eraser separately on its own.

Plastic eraser provided with the high-end pencil MONO 100

The birth of MONO Eraser.

In 1969, MONO Eraser in a tricolor sleeve of blue, white, and black came to market.
The three-color flag design was for the purpose to make the little erase outstanding.
The beautiful and memorable stripe design, which has not changed for over 50 years, has become an icon of erasers used by many people in Japan as well as in the rest of the world.

The unique MONO Series, including MONO Eraser, is in a constant state of evolution along with the changing times while reflecting the original concept of being the one and only pencil and eraser.



The current MONO family
MONO was initially a brand for pencils and erasers.
The product line has been expanded and currently includes correction tape and other writing instruments.

MONO collaboration products

A variety of products have been developed in collaboration with MONO Eraser, popular and used nationwide.


User campaign for Play Color on the study note publication application Clear
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award of FY2018 Intellectual Property Achievement Award
Launch of sets of 24/36 colored pencils in an easy-to-carry roll-up cloth case
The strip pattern in blue, white and black of MONO registered as “a trademark consisting only of colors”


MONO AIR refillable type

2018 Good Design Award

MONO Zero metal type

2017 Good Design Award

2018 iF Design Award

MONO Graph Zero

2016 Good Design Award

MONO AIR Disposable type

2016 Good Design Award

MONO Graph

2014 Good Design Award

2016 Red Dot Award


2013 Red Dot Award

2014 iF Design Award

MONO Smart

2013 Good Design Award

2014 iF Design Award


2014 Best 100 of Good Design Award


2005 Good Design Award

2011 iF Design Award

MONO eraser

2011 Long Life Design Award of Good Design Award


2008 Good Design Award

2010 Red Dot Award

2010 iF Design Award (EH-KUR、EH-KUR04/11EH-KUS、EH-KUS04/11)


2003 Good Design Award


2003 Good Design Award


2001 Good Design Award

MONO White YT4

1996 iF Design Award

1996 Design Innovation Award


1994 Good Design Award

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  • MONO
  • PiT
  • Zoom
  • ippo!
  • Yo-i